Image: Ben Dearnley

Anita Jokovich is an abstract painter who uses the ocean, sky and its surrounds as inspiration for her work. Her paintings are intuitive and gestural, creating forms which appear and disappear amongst layers of paint; encouraging the viewer to be immersed and inspired with imaginative thought. The technique of layering paint to create dark and light are likened to the perpetual motion of the water and this layered style shows the contrasts between the calm and brutal forces of the sea. Anita conveys an emotional intensity in her work through the painting process to portray divergent emotions onto the canvas.

Anita holds a Bachelor of Arts, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Art & Design from Curtin University, Perth, Australia. She has exhibited regularly in Sydney and Melbourne since 2008. Anita was part of the ‘Waverley Artist in Residency’ program at the Waverley School of Arts and has exhibited three times at The Other Art Fair in Sydney and Melbourne. In 2021, she was a finalist in the Art To Art Unearthed Prize and the Lethbridge 20000 Small Scale Art Award (online).